Needed config

  • Install and configure a user to use aws cli
  • Create AIM
  • More info here

Create aws machine

creates a instance (default t2.micro)

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-region "us-east-1" machine_name

Get env vars to connect the Docker Client to the Docker Engine

docker-machine env MACHINE_NAME

Log into the machine

docker-machine ssh machine_name

or, get the path to the ssh key and log with it:

IP_ADDRESS=$(docker-machine inspect --format='{{prettyjson .Driver.IPAddress}}' docker-machine-01 | tr -d '"');
SSH_DOCKER_MACHINE_KEYPATH=$(docker-machine inspect --format='{{prettyjson .Driver.SSHKeyPath}}' docker-machine-01 | tr -d '"');

Get instance id

docker-machine inspect --format='{{prettyjson .Driver.InstanceId}}' machine_name